Sunday 8 October 2017

Piercing through political nonsense and lay faith within

The beings which are insensitive to fellow human's needs and thoughts will characterized under political beings. The drama they play to work their plan seems illegitimate. Each and every sentence of their drama corresponds to words of blackmail or emotional manipulator. It kills the weak beings. Each person have their own thoughts and destination for success.

 Political beings just manipulate the will of everyone around them to criticize or make someone feel down. Its better to stay away from those beings or learn to play with them, better don't try to teach them anything.  If weak emotional side of you has been exposed to such beings they will play with that, better not to do it. If you do it, better play safe with it or else you will lose the identity made by you by yourself will be modified to something else.

Be strong and have your own will to succeed.
Some of you have been thinking that how can this work will benefit me the way i imagine.
Each and every work you do will have exponential way of getting into the real world and the results would be exponential sometimes. Have faith within and hope for the best. May be sometimes hope and faith are the best things to have.  

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