Thursday 5 October 2017

Getting away with insults

' I ' ,the ego pokes out through insults. Group of ' I 's leads to so called blamer.  Not everyone in this world are equally created, they are different, Unique and not comparable. Even the greatest of great hero got haters and even the laziest got supporters.Now decide where you stand.

People got different sets of environment and different sets of people in their life, their conscious self some how taught themselves the way of life. People do things only for two purposes, the first one is for survival and the next is to explore. And the last untold ones are the people who set assumptions for themselves and try to get people into their assumptions,  you may call them as stupid or leave as it is.

You may asked yourself that 'why would he/she do that to me'.
Calm yourself buddy and concentrate on your work, it will change your mindset for better. Everyone has their own weakness and strengths, so don't let others insults get into your mind. You are here for your own good, don't let others make it for you. Be strong to resist insults and let it go. Nothing stays for long. Have a world for you and do your best.

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