Monday 9 October 2017

Avoid pleasing everyone

People seek harmony with everything, that's a good thing to know but don't let your vision and dreams drown while making harmony. Bend like a bow to have your vision to go like an arrow and don't bend like anything to please anyone.

 Don't be like pleasing everyone and your identity will be at stake. Identity is the most important thing to have, to live in this world. Don't lose it just like that. You are not only creating problems for yourself by pleasing everyone, you will turn into a dependent for the people who are being pleased and you are like load at his back.

 Be like your original self and avoid creating unwanted problems. Everything has a limit, within the limit, things would be sweet. Pleasing your loved ones is also having its own. Stick to your visions and it will help your goals. 

Don't be distracted by other people's problems, they have their own way of doing it. Be yourself and do for yourself and it would help other people too. Be logical and don't be too emotional.

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