Wednesday 1 November 2017

The world of illusions

Stable things make this world for not stable beings and Non stable beings are playing with stable things. Everyone have different types of motivation to do things. Here comes illusions, the way world present us things make illusions with and within ourselves. Everything is certain to an extent. The doings beyond an extent makes change in the real world. When the certainty of things change through the actions of certain perception, it affects people.

Fear, rage, jealousy, love and may any other emotions within ourselves lead us to the corresponding world of illusions. Some illusions make us wanting it and some may be wanting us to escape it. Awareness is the key to pass through illusions successfully. 

The restricted system in our daily life may produce illusions with everyone. Some may be happy with those structures and the rest of them filled with blank's in their mind. Those blank's may produce unusual fear and anxiety. In most cases curiosity produce those blanks. Those blanks are to be filled with absolute data. The carvings of truth makes existent of pioneers. 
Be aware, what you are going through and all other things will fall into place. 

Illusion is the byproduct of two way response. That is, how the world is presenting us things and how we are seeing it. Making up the mind to see good things in every situation and grab the opportunities within nasty situations makes people better.

Positive habits cultivate awareness. Be aware of the things you are doing and how it can be done better to your best of intentions.

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