Thursday 21 September 2017

Tribute to the energy source

Tons of defeats can be justified by a major victory. Likewise the energy source able the systems to run whatever the systems wants to be. 

Be it any other civilization, religion, caste or whatever dividends profound by humans - Light is the major energy which makes us to be active, And so called Sun is the major energy source. It supplies the energy for our every single action or it meant to be that way. 

The more you absorb the source energy, the more active you will be. Have it while at its best. The Morning rising sun makes the best of your system and having activity at the best of source energy would be great. The terms you might have heard that full moon drives the ocean waves crazier so does our emotions goes up lunatic for more emotional person as he allows it to be. Likewise standing in the hot Sun all day wont bring you the most active system. The overwhelmed energy is also a bane and it alters the system functionalities and dries your system

Many say its a god, the very ancient being and whatever it is, get the most from it.

The activities such as Surya-Namaskar will bring you the conscious enlightenment as you practice it.

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