Wednesday 27 September 2017

Importance of being in the right environment

Are you being comfortable in the environment you are in?
Have you felt like you are being as your real version of yourself ?

If you are not, then try to change your companions, environment. Try to live the life to the fullest by being as you are and try to get the best version of yourself from comfortable environments. Your destined work can't be full filled being in the uncomfortable environment.
Don't waste your time in being with the people you don't like or not interested work.
Do you think you are not good enough for the rank one? Or to compete at something great? The answer is No. Your set of conscious are not fully activated in the environments that are being uncomfortable.
Be the best version of yourself and world will change for you.

Tuesday 26 September 2017


Fear -good or bad?
You might heard the terms that fear is good and bad. Fear for exams is good that triggers learning. Fear is bad while you can't standup for self.

But do you know? Fear is the product of evil and how can it make the good deals with it.
Fear for exams is also bad as it might trigger unwanted illegitimate activities once fear crosses its good limit. And why does someone wants to fear for exams. He makes learning through his interest and exams are just for testing his thoughts of learning.

Fear is like the iron rope in which animals are tied with. After all we are humans with six senses, then why do we want fear. Thoughts of fear diminishes good and raises evil intent. All most all the evil doings are the cost of fear.

Be fearless and raise the level of awareness. Let the world shine with goodness.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Desires and Intentions

"People feel what they do not understand". Have you ever worried about most of the things are not going by the way you expected and don't know what will take to get you there. Then i can say your desires are different from your intentions. You can desire anything but what it takes to achieve that lies in your intentions. If you didn't achieve your goals you set and don't know what is happening out there for not achieving it answers the question how much you have intended to do the goal work. Desires are like illusions. Intentions determine want you really want to be happy and satisfied. Imagining about the desires you must have achieved but its not done yet will set your negative emotions on high. Let us think about the real desires, that is intentions rather feel about short lived intense desires.

Saturday 23 September 2017

Luck-the belief

Have you ever felt lucky,cause u believed to be lucky. The belief where everything lies.
Or are u believing there are no random chances and everything has their own consequences and with only the result of action, i am here. Yes you were right but not fully. Beyond certain circumstances luck plays a vital role. Believe you are the lucky and you will be. Its possible anybody can be born as a dog, a sheep or even as a bacteria. Still are you trying to say you are born as a human cause of something you have done.

Believe in luck, miracles and it is possible that can happen to you.

I guess only sin is 'Not Believing that something awesome can happen'.

Believe in miracles, let it take you where ever you want.

Friday 22 September 2017

World of Synchronicity-the meaningful coincidences

Ever since civilization evolves humans tend to find patterns of their environment according to their reference of perception. As such theory is the concept of Synchronicity.

Have you ever been met someone and got along with them as if you are been with them for ages.

Have you been going to a place, surprisingly your loved ones are also been at the place without your knowledge.

Have you seen same people repeatedly in various circumstances.

Have you been thinking of someone and that person suddenly appears.

Have you been met your love surprisingly in random events.

If u felt something based on as i mentioned above then the theory of Synchronicity has stored something for you. Synchronicity says ,the patterns you follow to do something, the way you perceive the world - attract the like minded fellows in a way someone can't imagine from your point of perception. If you encountered such events,feel like its the gift from nature of subconscious and get along with it. Theory of Synchronicity may answer some of your questions like 'Why did i stuck with this work, the person or been with something great or worse'. Have a good change in mindset and perceive your good life.

If you guys encountered any such events, please mention in the comments section.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Tribute to the energy source

Tons of defeats can be justified by a major victory. Likewise the energy source able the systems to run whatever the systems wants to be. 

Be it any other civilization, religion, caste or whatever dividends profound by humans - Light is the major energy which makes us to be active, And so called Sun is the major energy source. It supplies the energy for our every single action or it meant to be that way. 

The more you absorb the source energy, the more active you will be. Have it while at its best. The Morning rising sun makes the best of your system and having activity at the best of source energy would be great. The terms you might have heard that full moon drives the ocean waves crazier so does our emotions goes up lunatic for more emotional person as he allows it to be. Likewise standing in the hot Sun all day wont bring you the most active system. The overwhelmed energy is also a bane and it alters the system functionalities and dries your system

Many say its a god, the very ancient being and whatever it is, get the most from it.

The activities such as Surya-Namaskar will bring you the conscious enlightenment as you practice it.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Starting story

Have you ever wondered why the things been like this the way it is.

Have you ever passed through unpleasant situations and wondered why these things are happening .

Have you answered most of the questions asked by a child and wondered where i got these answers from.

Have you detached from the society for a while.

Have you searched for the answers for your deep questions.

Have u dreamt about the happenings of the world before.

Have u had your tea this morning.

Have woke up with the most beautiful smile on your face.

If u had most of the yes for the above questions then this blog is for you.